Bayan, of course, but I just noticed.
turns like a taxi driver in the "Brat-2" in Germany is not much fight. It seems like for every specific word has a certain penalty.
- Bekloppter (moved, crazy, idiot) - 250 euros
- Dumme Kuh (stupid cow) - 300-600 euros
- Witzbold (wit a self-taught, humorist) - 300 euros
- Du armes Schwein, du hast doch eine Mattscheibe (Not blind, poor pig?) - 350 euros
- Wegelagerer (Highway Robber - on police) - 450 euros
- Zu dumm zum Schreiben (Very silly, even had not learned to read and write) - 450 euros
- Du blödes Schwein (stupid pig) - 500 euros
- Hast du blödes Weib nicht Besseres zu tun? (Dura, you do nothing?) - 500 euros
- turn to the police on "you" (du) - 600 euros
- Dir hat wohl die Sonne das Gehirn verbrannt (More sun brains burned out) - 600 euros
- Bei dir piept's wohl (not all the houses, "obstacles" in the head) - 750 euros
- Verfluchtes Wegelagerergesindel (Bandits damned rabble roadside) - 900 euros
- Wichtelmann (gnome statue) - 1000 euro
- Bullenschwein (pig in uniform - with a combination of showing the middle finger) - 1000 euro
- Raubritter (robber, robber-knight) - Euro 1500
- Trottel in Uniform (fool, fool in uniform) - Euro 1500
- Idioten, ihr gehört in die Nervenheilanstalt (nuthouse at you crying ) - 1500 euro
- Fieses Miststück (rotten shit) - 2500 euro
- Alte Sau (old pig) - 2500 euro
What caused the price - HZ. And indeed, there is a special dictionary of quotations should be.
I think Fake. Penalty is, and the dictionary is likely no.
What do you think?
Shl. Fines for gestures and other signs:
- Tongue - from 150 to 300 euros
- Show range from a large and index finger (= word ass) - from 675 to 750 euros
- See "bird" that is, to twist a finger at his temple (Einen Vogel zeigen) - 750 euros
- waving his hand in the face (Scheibenwischer - show movement janitor = word Idiot) - from 350 euros to 1000 euros
- Show the middle finger (Mittelfinger zeigen, Stinkefinger) - from 600 to 4000 euros
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