My favorite grandparents dedicated ...
country's history - is not simply a sequence of recent years, events, dates, unfamiliar names, pushed into oblivion. History - that those people who are doing now, which is tomorrow perekochuet on the pages of textbooks. On the pages of books that will torment the lazy students, will, as usual, presented a million political events, but never in due measure will not be reliably told that in fact lived in certain people in a certain period of time, what I think, than the souls that love. About that, what we usually tell our grandmothers and grandfathers, but the pace of modern Life us never enough time to listen to their stories end. History of Italy - this is including the history of wine production, which contributes greatly to the economy. Wine is an indispensable part of life the Italians, always present in the house not only on holidays but every day. Beautiful climate, delicious food, quality wines velikopnoe impose a positive imprint on people's lives. Italy - one of the most emotional, sunny countries Europe, like no other close to us in spirit. very first symptoms, which can be seen in all our people by the end of the week-long trip, a desire to communicate with others, to change the running step, tea - coffee, hard liquor - for good wine, life is getting better in general. stern expression on his face, inherent to many businessmen, politicians, and the first for the changes to a smile.
One of the most fashionable people in Piedmont, a man who made a huge contribution to the history of winemaking in Italy and not only in Italy, continued to actively work, travel and spend time with dear friends and family is Armando Cordero, a great friend Gigi Rosso, about whose family I have already written. For me, Armando - the real guru, with him you can talk for hours everything. And there are not many people who are so well aware of their region and with such love and desire to talk about it.
At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the grandfather of my friend worked in a factory vermouth "Kalissano" in Alba, was engaged in distilling herbs. In 1915 my grandfather Booty l under military draft. Twelve-year son had to engage in a factory "Kalissano" and replace his father. He began his career with the errand boy, washing barrels and was promoted to head of production, factory dedicated his entire life. In 1929, his son is already born, Armando Cordero. In 1949, Armando graduated Wine School in Alba, the one that gave Piedmont a huge number of well-known winemakers. Work, he went to the factory "Kalissano, where many years worked for my grandfather and father. practice in the early days he was sent to the southern region of Apulia, where Armando was waiting for work at the winery with little or no recreation. But in his younger years, all difficulties can be overcome easily. To experience this type of work was important. At that time the company "Kalissano" has passed into hands of "Gallinari, belonged to a wealthy family of a family from Puglia, who owned a transport company that produced not only wine вермуты, ликеры в Ланге, но и в Апулии и перевозила свою продукцию с севера на юг и с юга на север на собственных грузовых судах. Это был большой конгломерат with its own orderly maritime transport. Over the following years the company has passed from one owner to another until it was bought by "Winefood" - mother of "Il Gruppo Italiano Vino". But this is not so interesting story.
Earlier in Italy military service was compulsory. Failed to avoid it, and Armando. When he returned from the army, the company Kalissano "sent him on a long trip to Brazil in Sao Paolo. From San Paolo Cordero got to south, in the Rio Grande. "Kalissano" produced an enormous number of titles in Brazil, from juices to alcoholic beverages. Despite the good prestigious post, Armando earned little. In those same years he married a friend of Alba, who had come for him to a distant country donov Pedro.
After seven years of labor in Brazil, where in those terrible years of rampant inflation, with their small savings Armando returned to his native gopod back home. Small savings just barely enough to purchase a small flats. Plus, Armando could not adapt to the surrounding reality after seven years abroad. Shect months he worked in a winery "Terre di Barolo", then - in the province of Alessandria at the winery "Zoccola di Cassine". Then Company Kalissano, at that time had already passed over in his hands "Winefood", Armando sent to the Dutch city of Antwerp. Returning to regular Italiyuposle trip, from 1969 to 1976. already well-known specialist Cordero got a job in Valtellina area in Lombardy, at the winery "Negri di Chiuro". But in the end his wife wanted return to their homes, in an album. Four years that follow, Armando worked for Franco Fiorina, listening to the wishes of his wife. In 1980, major events occur in the professional life of Armando in the history of wine Lange. Wines Barolo and Barbaresco are DOCG-wines, controlled and guaranteed origin. And the head commission dealing with quality control, have appointed my dear friend. C 1980, he is a stretch at this position in the organization, which determines publish or not to market it or and Noe wine, called it "COMMISSIONE DI ASSAGGIO DELLA DOCG BAROLO E BARBARESCO".
Armando over the years working as a the head of this organization have seen many changes, evolving standards of production, varied generation wine producers, grew new change. Unchanged left his desire to convey his love for Lange, the great local wines to the public both in Italy and abroad, the desire to share their hobbies, experience, love for all the beautiful friends and colleagues.
Joint dinner in the restaurant Dulchis Vitis, owned by our common friend Bruno of course, will go down in the list of the most pleasant memories. More to such wonderful people!
Armando Cordero - a man who worked and continues to make history of winemaking Piedmont not only controlling the quality of the famous wines, but also helping the famous houses, "Odder", "Markarini" etc. As enologist consultant.
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