Monday, August 9, 2010

Plasma Donation Centers In Los Angeles County

Saint-Tropez. Allowance for a millionaire

Although, if you belong to into this category, most of all, there were already all know. Everybody else want to reassure that after Moscow prices anyone local price lists are not scared. If your budget is limited, I suggest to choose as a vacation period May-June or September. The same beauty and sunny weather for much less money.

historical facts.

first in Saint-Tropez settled and founded the colony of the Greeks, they were engaged in barter with their neighbors the Gauls. The settlement was given the name Atenopolis, with the arrival of the Romans changed to Heraclea. During the reign of Emperor Nero ardent defender of Christianity, San Thorpe was beheaded in Pize (The thing that is known to us leaning tower), his body was placed on the boat without rowers, there is imprisoned rooster and dog. Passage of the boat brought to the shores Heraclea. From that moment on, it was found the corpse of the Christian faith, San Thorpe was canonized. With the fall of the Roman Empire Heraclea became known as San Tropè in the same time pirates Saracens began raiding and looting on the Mediterranean coast. On the opposite of the modern St. Tropez Beach is situated, they one of their main bases - Frassineto.

Several times St. Tropez attacked, the relics of St were stolen, lost, damaged. Despite the fact that 972 Duke of Provence Gilelmo rescued from the Saracens territory, the inhabitants of Saint-Tropez fled to live who where the hills nearby, they were built many fortified towns in the county. From Saint-Tropez remains a single tower, which dominates The ruined city. La Tour Suffen survived to this day. At 1436g. Renato Di Proventsa, who heads the Provence, he turned to Genoese nobleman Raffaele di Garretsio with request to settle the St. Tropez. So here came in 1960 Ligurian families that have animated this beautiful beach.

As a special promotion during the the next 200 years the area was spared from any and all taxes. New residents have restored military fortifications, whose walls can be seen and now. Subsequently, the city has repeatedly been attacked as the Spaniards and the British, was repeatedly destroyed. It is Saint-Tropez during the Second World War was the port that made the ships antifashitstskogo Alliance, was released from the Nazis on August 15, 1944. Before the 50s St Tropez was just a fishing village, not yet gained fame thanks to the European sex symbol Brigitte Bardot and met here in 1957. shooting the film with her participation, as well as the famous Peppino Di Capri song "Saint-Tropez Twist"

few years later, the same Bardo got here the famous villa Madrague, shopping, gave the green light to the world's celebrities fallen in love with Cote d'Azur.
Reaching here need a car. At the entrance to the city you will fall the Roman ruins, long sandy beaches, expensive cars, one of which may uvidite Timothy :-)

city itself - a small, napomonaet Liguria and the same small towns coast, belonging to before the Italians. Let's just say, in many ways it continues to belong to them, given the number of Italian restaurants, hotels and homeowners. Sit in a cafe in the port, check out the large yachts, walkers dressed crowd, drove a Ferrari, Maserati. Cafes there are so themselves, should seen to be fair, it is impossible to drink coffee (in my opinion), but enjoy the atmosphere of a need in any case! restaurants, choose small, спрятавшиеся  в узких романтичных улочках.
Бесплатных пляжей недалеко от Сан-Тропе хватает, а вот платные пляжи здесь недешевые, in the hot season in prime locations sunbed with an umbrella and mattress can cost up to 50 euros per person. Shopping, too, is designed primarily for wealthy people. St Tropez holiday fits the category, nightlife-loving, adoring show itself, caroused late and then wake up for lunch, dinner and the evening crawl onto the beach. Young people like it.
One of the most visited places - Nikki Beach.

How can you not look at this beauty at least one eye?


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